Kenji Sawada turns on passion during 6 1/2-hour concert at Tokyo Dome

'Julie' turns on passion during 6 1/2-hour concert at Tokyo Dome
Thursday 04th December, 11:02 AM JST


Singer-actor Kenji Sawada, also known as 'Julie' among his fans, sang for more than six and a half hours in front of 32,000 fans at a concert held at Tokyo Dome Wednesday held to celebrate his 60th birthday.

"Julie" wore a couple of native American headdresses with matching suits and sang 42 songs almost non-stop. His passion was evident and he broke into tears after his 26th song. "My eyes have been running a bit lately. I appreciate people coming down to see my performance, strange as it may be, especially on a weekday…taking time off work and so forth," he said.

He sang 80 songs in total, ranging from his time with The Tigers and then Pyg, to those from his solo career. The concert started at 3 p.m. and finished after 9.30 p.m.

Kenji Sawada sings at Tokyo Dome on Wednesday night.
Keywords: 沢田研二, 澤田研二, Kenji Sawada, ジュリー, Julie, 沢田研二の画像, 沢田研二圖片, 澤田研二圖片, Kenji Sawada's pictures, Kenji Sawada's photos, 還暦, 還曆, Rock'n Roll March, 人間60年・ジュリー祭り, 人間60年・Julie祭, 沢田研二演唱會, 澤田研二演唱會, Kenji Sawada's concert, 沢田研二のコンサート, tour, 沢田研二のツアー, 沢田研二のライブ, live



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