This Is NOT A Stuffed Toy!!! 

Wildlife and Plant Conservation, baby tiger cub
Fri Aug 27, 2010, 9:31 AM ET | AP
In this Aug. 22, 2010 photo released by Suvarnabhumi Airport Wildlife Checkpoint of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, a baby tiger cub is found among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase of a woman flying from Bangkok to Iran, at Suvarnabhumi Airport, in Bangkok, Thailand. Authorities at Bangkok's international airport found the baby tiger cub that had been drugged and hidden among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase, an official and a wildlife protection group said Friday. (AP Photo/Suvarnabhumi Airport Wildlife Checkpoint of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation) ** NO SALES **
Thai veterinarian Phimchanok Srongmongkul feeds a baby tiger cub at the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks in Bngkok Thailand on Friday, Aug. 27, 2010. Thai authorities found the baby tiger cub that had been drugged and hidden among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase of a woman flying from Bangkok to Iran, an official and a wildlife protection group said Friday.(AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)
Fri Aug 27, 7:55 AM ET
Thai veterinarian Phimchanok Srongmongkul holds a baby tiger cub after feeding at the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks in Bngkok Thailand on Friday, Aug. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit) Fri Aug 27, 8:13 AM ET
Baby tiger cub discovered at Bangkok airport, stashed in suitcase with stuffed toys
Published August 27, 2010 | Associated Press
BANGKOK – BANGKOK (AP) — Authorities at Bangkok's international airport found a baby tiger cub that had been drugged and hidden alongside a stuffed toy tiger in the suitcase of a woman flying from Thailand to Iran, an official and a wildlife protection group said Friday.
The woman, a Thai national, had checked in for her flight and her overweight bag was sent for an X-ray which showed what appeared to be a live animal inside, according to TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring group.
The woman was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport before boarding her Sunday flight. The cub, estimated to be about 3 months old, was sent to a wildlife conservation center in Bangkok.
"The cub arrived at our unit Monday," said Chaiyaporn Chareesaeng, head of the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks' Wildlife and Plant Conservation Center, where the animal was put under close supervision.
"He appeared exhausted, dehydrated and couldn't walk, so we had to give him oxygen, water and lactation," said Chaiyaporn. "We have monitored him closely. As of today, he looks better and can walk a little now."
A DNA test was expected to provide details about its origin, said Chaiyaporn.
"I was a bit shocked because an animal isn't supposed to be treated like this," said Nirath Nipanant, chief of the airport's wildlife checkpoint. "Had the animal passed the oversize baggage check and gone through four to five hours of travel, its chances of survival would have been slim."
The woman, identified as Piyawan Palasarn, 31, faces up to four years in prison and a 40,000 baht ($1,300) fine for two wildlife smuggling-related charges, police said.
She denied the luggage with the cub belonged to her and said another passenger had asked her to carry it for them, said Adisorn Noochdumrong of the Thai Wildlife Protection Department.
The cub could have fetched about 100,000 baht ($3,200) on the black market in Iran, where it is popular to have exotic pets, Adisorn said. He said he did not know what the woman allegedly intended to do with this particular cub.
He said his office wants the law amended so the maximum prison term is increased to 10 years.
Wildlife experts say the number of tigers in Asia have plummeted over the years due mainly to habitat loss and poachers who sell their skins and body parts to booming medicinal and souvenir markets, mostly in China.
Conservationists say the government needs to do more to eliminate trafficking networks that operate out of the country.
"We applaud all agencies that came together to uncover this brazen smuggling attempt," Chris R. Shepherd, TRAFFIC's deputy regional director for Southeast Asia, said in a statement.
August 22: A baby tiger cub is found among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase of a woman flying from Bangkok to Iran, at Suvarnabhumi Airport, in Bangkok, Thailand. Authorities at Bangkok's international airport found the baby tiger cub that had been drugged and hidden among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase, an official and a wildlife protection group said Friday. (AP)
「泰」像玩具 行李赫見小老虎
2010年8月27日 星期五 18:50 法新社 AFP
(法新社曼谷27日電) 泰國野生動物保護官員今天表示,在1名從泰國前往伊朗的女子行李中,發現一堆老虎填充玩具內藏有一隻活生生的2個月大幼虎。
他說:「當我們將牠救出時,牠非常鎮定,半睡半醒。」小老虎在泰國蘇凡納布機場(Suvarnabhumi Airport)被發現,並被送往救護中心。
東南亞國協野生動物執法網路(ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network)的勞普拉瑟(Manop Lauprasert),讚揚這次成功的救援行動。
2010年08月28日(六) 東方日報
Keywords: 老虎毛公仔, 玩具老虎, 老虎BB, 老虎仔, 小老虎, baby tiger cub, stuffed toy, doll, 走私, 偷運, 泰國, 曼谷, 伊朗, Thailand, Bangkok, Iran
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