
- 維基百科︰香港旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件
- 香港網絡大典︰香港旅遊巴在菲律賓被挾持事件
- 明報新聞網新聞特輯
STUPID ACTION of Philippine Police made 8 Hong Kong hostages died.
Hong Kong people are very angry now!!!

STUPID ACTION of Philippine Police made 8 Hong Kong hostages died.
Hong Kong people are very angry now!!!

革職警M16血洗旅巴 康泰港團八死七傷
2010年08月24日(二) 東方日報
無視人質 車廂連環駁火
車內放催淚彈 擊斃槍手
警方在二十分鐘後再次突襲,在車內施放催淚煙霧並開槍,狙擊手終成功擊斃槍手。救護員及記者隨即一湧而上,五分鐘後三名受傷較輕的人質陸續自行從旅遊巴逃生門離開。不過其後多名受傷團友需由擔架抬離現場,分別被送至崇仰總醫院(Manila Doctors Hospital)、菲律賓國立總醫院(Philippine General Hospital)及Hospital of Manila等多間醫院搶救。
菲律賓社會福利局主管Corazon Dinky Sokiman昨深夜召開記者會,指今次事件共造成八名港人死亡,其中兩人未能尋獲護照,身份有待核實,其中送往崇仰總醫院(Manila Doctors Hospital)的四名死者,其中兩人頸部中槍,另兩人背部中槍;至於尚有一名二十歲青年,一度情況危殆,醫院晚上為他進行腦部手術,拿走碎片,情況轉趨穩定。
崇仰總醫院(Manila Doctors Hospital)
菲律賓國立總醫院(Philippine General Hospital)
聖胡安.德.迪歐斯醫院(San Juan De Dios Hospital)
菲國特警試圖配合催淚彈從旅巴尾部營救人質,期間遇到連串開槍還擊。 (美聯社圖片)
一名流露痛楚的傷者在挾持事件結束後被送上救護車。 (美聯社圖片)
特派採訪隊 陳兆豪 陳德賢 鄺淑儀 張學儀 林靄雲 伍鎮業 馬尼拉直擊報道
2010年08月24日(二) 東方日報
早上10時許 一行23人的康泰馬尼拉四天團,最後一天參觀當地國父黎剎紀念公園,團友上車離開前,前警官Rolando Mendoza突然跟隨上車,當地導遊喝止不果,Rolando隨即亮槍、鎖車門及用手銬鎖起司機。
早上10時半 隨團港領隊趁機在車尾致電回港,報告被挾持消息。
早上10時50分 其中一名團友66歲的婆婆因肚痛需前往洗手間,由當地導遊陪同離車先行釋放,但須換上2名當地攝影人員作人質交換。
中午12時半 槍手再釋放車上3名小朋友,連同其中兩名小朋友的母親,年紀最小為4歲,最大12歲,槍手未有要求人質交換。
下午1時15分 在槍手同意下現場工作人員送飯盒到車廂內。
下午1時28分 槍手再釋放多一名70多歲患糖尿病男子,屬早前獲釋的婆婆之丈夫,另亦釋放多2名菲律賓人,槍手未要求人質交換。
下午2時許 槍手在旅遊巴門口玻璃貼上「3時後有大事發生」的字條。
下午3時 旅遊巴內外一切平靜,僅有現場工作人員為旅遊巴入油。期間槍手弟弟與槍手接觸,要求槍手延遲期限。
下午3時半 槍手再貼上「Media Now」(要求即時見傳媒)的字條。
下午近4時 槍手妻子到達現場,希望與丈夫對話。
晚上約7時 現場突然傳來六聲槍聲,車尾突現兩個子彈孔。
晚上7時15分 疑似旅遊巴司機突然由車內衝出來,手持一張字條,快速走至封鎖線邊,後被警員帶走上警車。
晚上7時36分 當地電視台報道指全車人質被殺,但消息未經證實。
晚上7時38分 警方全副裝備到場準備破門。
晚上8時20分 槍手未死,一度還擊開槍,一名電視台工程人員及一名小童中槍。
晚上8時45分 警方闖進旅巴,先後扶着四名生還的人質落車,其中一名中年女子顯得情緒激動。此外,警方又抬走多名傷者落車,全部送往醫院,此時,亦傳出槍手中槍死亡。
晚上9時 香港政府宣布派出包機接載死傷者家屬前往馬尼拉,而保安局副局長黎棟國亦會帶領警方、入境處、社署及醫護人員前往支援。
晚上9時46分 香港政府向菲律賓發出黑色旅遊警示,康泰等旅行社隨即宣布取消前往當地的旅行團。
晚上10時35分 中國駐馬尼拉大使館表示,事件共造成八死、一重傷及六輕傷。
2010年08月24日(二) 東方日報
鐵錘跌入車廂 亂掟螢光棒
警方憑藉一輛警車爬入旅遊巴。 (美聯社圖片)
港殤 港旅團馬尼拉遭脅持 槍手掃射八死七傷
2010-08-24 蘋果日報
- 港殤 港旅團馬尼拉遭脅持 槍手掃射八死七傷
- 血腥悲劇見義勇 婦智救團友小孩 夫肉身擋子彈捨命護妻
- 多次連環槍聲途人紛走避
- TVB採訪隊員肚皮中流彈
- 犯罪學家轟菲國談判失策
- 電視傳畫面槍聲心情如坐過山車 生死兩小時全港人煎熬
- 八死者僅有三人身份確認
- 獲救人士以後不敢坐旅巴
- 馬尼拉血腥十一小時
- 捲入勒索案不堪被革職 傑出警察化身殺人狂魔
- 菲特警救人 人質常遭殃
- 「綁架之都」馬尼拉治安差
- 黎剎公園 菲律賓國父命名
- 兩度錯過制服槍手 菲警遲鈍害命中港追究
- 香港網民怒轟菲警無能
- 領隊不能掉下團友逃走
- 港府拯救行動受局限
- 醫警社工隊伍隨機出發 港府兩包機送家屬到菲
- 港對菲發出黑色旅遊警示
- 身亡團友家屬獲賠80萬
- 馬尼拉港旅客驚惶失措 拒出夜街
Eight Hong Kong tourists killed in Philippine bus hijacking
Mon Aug 23, 6:36 pm ET (AFP)
by Mynardo Macaraig Mynardo Macarai
MANILA (AFP) – Philippine security forces stormed a bus packed with Hong Kong tourists to end a dramatic hostage crisis that unfolded live on global television, leaving eight people and the gunman dead.
The day-long ordeal on Monday began when a disgruntled ex-policeman armed with an M-16 assault rifle and dressed in combat pants hijacked the bus in Manila's tourist district in a desperate bid to get his job back.
Negotiations broke down after nightfall when the gunman, former senior police inspector Rolando Mendoza, began shooting and commandos were forced to storm the bus, firing dozens of bullets of their own into the vehicle.
"I shot two Chinese. I will finish them all if they do not stop," Mendoza told a local radio station as the police assault was about to get under way.
Police said a sniper shot Mendoza dead after he used his captives as "human shields" in the final moments of the 12-hour standoff.
Philippine President Benigno Aquino said eight tourists were confirmed killed, while the Red Cross reported another seven were in hospital with unspecified injuries.
Nine hostages, including children, were freed at various times throughout the day from the bus that was parked at Rizal Park, a popular tourist destination just a few blocks from police headquarters.
The Filipino bus driver jumped out of a window and escaped moments before police stormed the vehicle, with his escape and the rest of the crisis broadcast live on television.
One of the survivors hit out at the Philippine authorities, saying they acted too slowly.
"There were so many people on the bus -- no one came to our rescue. Why?" the woman, who identified herself as Mrs Leung, said at the scene in comments broadcast on Hong Kong's Cable TV.
"We were in fear for so many hours. I find it really cruel."
Aquino defended the actions of the police, saying authorities had initially believed Mendoza would surrender, suggested by the release of some of the hostages, but the situation later deteriorated.
After waiting more than 10 hours to launch their assault, police were then unable to get inside the bus for another 90 minutes.
They encircled the bus, smashed its windows and fired at it, but Mendoza held them off by shooting back.
The crisis eventually ended when police threw tear gas inside the bus, and fired again.
"He used the tourists as human shields. But he panicked and retreated to the front of the bus. He was then met with a volley of gunfire," the assault team's leader Superintendent Nelson Yabut told reporters.
A former commander of France's elite hostage rescue unit criticised the police assault as "badly prepared and risky".
The officers who stormed the bus did not have specialist training and "visibly lacked adequate equipment and tactical competence," said Frederic Gallois, the former head of France's National Gendarmerie Intervention Group.
Mendoza, 55, was honoured by police chiefs in 1986 as one of the top 10 officers in the country.
But he was discharged in 2008 for his alleged involvement in drug-related crimes and extortion and hijacked the bus in a bid to clear his name, according to police.
"He wants to be reinstated in the service," Manila district police chief Superintendent Rodolfo Magtibay said early in the day.
Joseph Tung, executive director of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, said the tourists, aged between four and 72, were on a three-day tour with Hong Thai Travel due to end on Monday.
The Hong Kong government warned all its citizens to avoid travelling to the Philippines, and expressed grief over the killings.
"It is a tragedy because a pleasure trip has ended up with casualties and injuries," Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang told a press briefing.
Flags on Hong Kong government buildings will fly at half mast on Tuesday as a mark of respect for the victims.
The Chinese foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, telephoned his Philippine counterpart Alberto Romulo to express Beijing's shock and demand a thorough investigation, China's official Xinhua news agency said.
China is to send a team to the Philippines to help deal with the aftermath, Xinhua said.
The killings added to a fast-growing number of attacks of foreigners in the Philippines.
Gunmen shot dead a South Korean man in a separate attack on Monday in another part of Manila. Police said the incidents were not related.
Philippines mourns, HK angry after hijack deaths
2010.8.24 (AP)
By OLIVER TEVES, Associated Press Writer Oliver Teves, Associated Press Writer
MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines acknowledged "inadequacies" in handling a hostage crisis that killed eight Hong Kong tourists, as anger over the botched negotiations erupted Tuesday in Hong Kong with demonstrations and harsh words.
A heartbreaking picture emerged of the victims — a mother of three who lost her husband and two daughters, a teenager oblivious of her parents' death and a tour guide who aspired to become a yoga teacher.
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, facing his first major crisis since taking office on June 30, declared Wednesday a national day of mourning in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong to "share their sorrow," his spokesman Edwin Lacierda said.
Officials promised a full investigation into how the hijacker — a former policeman demanding his job back — was able to gun down eight of the 15 Hong Kong hostages on board the bus before a sniper killed him and officers were finally able to get into the vehicle. Seven other hostages survived the final bloodbath, which came after a 12-hour standoff at a seaside Manila park.
Philippine Interior Secretary Jessie Robredo, who is in charge of the national police, acknowledged Tuesday there were problems with how the crisis was handled.
"Had we been better prepared, better equipped, better trained, maybe the response would have been quicker despite the difficulty," Robredo said.
He added, "All the inadequacies happened at the same time."
Philippine police had defended their actions — pointing out that officers lacking proper equipment had risked their lives in trying to bring the standoff to an end. But they promised to review all events leading to the deaths.
In Hong Kong, sorrow quickly evolved into outrage, with several of the semiautonomous Chinese territory's political parties leading protesters to the Philippine Consulate.
Demonstrators chanted, "You caused the deaths of Hong Kongers," and one protester scuffled with a security guard.
"We think the Philippine government used the wrong strategy. We think the operation failed," pro-Beijing legislator Lau Kong-wah told reporters.
Several Hong Kong newspapers printed mastheads in black, and flags in the territory flew at half-staff.
"Filipino police incompetent," Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily News said in a front-page headline.
The Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Committee added its voice to demands for an explanation, but also was "deeply concerned by people who are trying to blow this incident out of proportion" and who might vent anger through retaliatory attacks against thousands of Filipinos who work there, mostly as maids.
"This tragedy should not become a conflict of nationalities," it said in a statement.
Aquino on Tuesday met Chinese ambassador Liu Jianchao and phoned Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang to brief them on the investigation into the crisis that started when a dismissed police officer armed with a M16 rifle and a pistol seized a busload of 21 Hong Kong tourists and four Filipinos to demand his reinstatement on the force.
The ordeal ended in bloodshed on live TV with police storming the bus and killing the gunman, 55-year-old Rolando Mendoza, after he fired at the tourists.
Of the 25 people originally on the bus, 13 of the Hong Kong tourists and four Filipinos survived. Nine of the survivors had been freed by Mendoza hours before the gunfire began.
Britain's Foreign Office said Tuesday that two of the hostages who were released were British nationals.
At the scene of the standoff, family of two dead hostages attended a Buddhist memorial ceremony Tuesday.
The tearful relatives trailed monks who walked around bus, sprinkling water around the bullet-pocked vehicle. Survivor Amy Ng mourned the deaths of her husband Ken Leung, whom she said confronted the gunman, and daughters Doris and Jessie, aged 21 and 14. Her son, Jason, was still hospitalized after an operation on a head wound.
"I thought I would fight for survival so I could take care of my children, but two of them have already died," a sobbing Ng said Tuesday.
A bedridden, catatonic Tracey Wong told Hong Kong reporters she hid under a seat in the bus while Mendoza fired at the hostages.
"I want to find daddy and mommy quickly and see if they're OK," the 15-year-old said. But Hong Kong's radio RTHK reported that both her parents were among those killed, identifying her father as 51-year-old Wong Tze-lam.
Tour operator Hong Thai Travel Services general manager Susanna Lau praised a slain tour guide, 31-year-old Masa Tse, for his vigilance and decade-long service. TV footage showed him peeking out of the bus during his captivity and later one hand handcuffed to a position near the bus door.
Tse had studied yoga in India and wanted to become an instructor, Hong Kong's Cable TV reported, citing his friends. His Facebook page was flooded with messages of condolences. "I know you did your best to protect members of your tour group. You were very brave. Rest in peace. I will always miss you," friend Tulip Lam wrote.
Hong Kong has canceled tours to the Philippines and asked Hong Kong tourists still in the country to leave.
Philippine Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim said the crisis would likely damage the industry. About 140,000 Hong Kong tourists come annually.
"I'm hoping it will be forgotten soon enough," he said in a Manila hospital, where some of the former hostages were treated.
"We will try to improve ourselves and assure the Hong Kong government and the rest of the world that we will be able to handle matters much better in the future," he said.
Associated Press writers Jim Gomez, Teresa Cerojano and Hrvoje Hranjski in Manila, Min Lee in Hong Kong and David Stringer in London contributed to this report.
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